Questions & Answers

Here is a space where you are welcome to post your questions about Dhamma or other more mundane mattes related to Path Press, and we will do our best to provide answers. The questions are answered by some Venerable monks and also laypeople either associated with Path Press or have a good knowledge of the writings which are promoted on this site.
Note that the questions are moderated, and can become public only if we find that the question is relevant and have an answer to it.

0 thoughts on “Questions & Answers

    1. The Path Press Publications’ books have to be regularly posted from Netherlands in limited amounts. Sometime it happens that there are more enquires for the books than they had been delivered to USA Amazon. The new stock of books are now on the way, and hopefully they become available on the Amazon website soon. If you are living outside of USA, you might also like to consider to get the book from Wisdom Books or Path Press Publications website. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

  1. This may be a rather sensitive proposal, but has anyone ever considered scanning Ven. Ñanamoli Thera’s draft translation of the Majjhima Nikaya? Thank you.

    1. The publisher of Path Press Publications has been already considering to prepare the draft of Ven. Nanamoli’s Majjhima Nikaya as he left behind after his passing away. We still have to get the photocopies from the Forest Hermitage where the MS is archived, and then we might pick up the project and retype all these pages. Since the project would be quite a major one, we are not too much in hurry to proceed with it at this stage when we have already other books in process of printing. But if we do such work it would be printed as a book with lower price.
      If anybody is interesting in helping with retyping can already inform me, and I would contact you when the help is needed.

    1. For realizing impermanence Ven. Nanavira said: “Change of substance is not necessary, nor is movement.” (Notes on Dhamma, SN, PATICCASAMUPPADA (c)) By simply observing impermanence as flux is not enough for realizing anatta since its ‘impermanence’ does not apply to the experience itself, i.e. to the five (holding) aggregates. However hard we contemplate flux we do not achieve nothing but gratifying sakkayaditthi and test the power of the false mastery over experience. Before debating the matter further in greater extend (however I would suggest you read the Notes on Dhamma again, especially the shorter note ATTA) the prerequisite for understanding the matter is to recognize the nature of mind with constant mindfulness and practice of samadhi. Only with established mind you will able to recognize the things which make up the experience in general; and if practice is well developed you will recognize that this is what have you been taking as atta. But by then atta-which-is-made-up would already loose its significance.
      Bhikkhu Nyanasuci

      1. I found nanavira at the end of my ropes and there is still some energy left in me but not much. I found an answer when studying notes on dhamma in a time previous to your answer. After 16 years of studying the dhamma (since i was 14) in a company of uninterested people i can’t and could not relate to anyone. I’m stil waiting for a person to call a dhammic friend. Alcohol is rushing trough my veins but not without a stern reason.

  2. Hello everyone,
    in Ven. Nanaviras Letter (24.April 1964) to Mr. Samaratunga we read:
    ” […] for sakadāgāmitā and sotāpatti full jhāna is not needed—see A. IX,12: iv,378-82[b]—but it is necessary to have the samādhi nimitta (which comes long before jhāna)—see A. VI,68: iii,422-3.[2] But the samādhi can be developed either separately beforehand (as explained above) or together with paññā, and presumably in cases where there is attainment simply on listening to the Buddha it is the latter. […|”
    and an extract from the Suttas teaches us:
    A. VI,68: ‘”One not delighting in solitude could grasp the sign of the mind (cittassa nimittam)”: such a state is not to be found. One not grasping the sign of the mind could be fulfilled in right view”: such a state is not to be found.” […]
    Maybe someone can explain what exactly samadhi nimitta and citassa nimittam are, and what their relationship to pañña and right view is?
    Best wishes,

  3. Hey have you guys tried to offer an ebook version of some of the books here? If possible, that would be really convenient.

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